Where Morals Come From

This is simple. Nearly all morals come from answering this one question: How would I want to be treated? This “Golden Rule” is universal enough to be coded by many religions whose writings have been preserved. Some are shown at right. It’s what we expect of our courts and of our people. Application of the […]

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Status of Wheeled Paramotor Tandems

In the U.S., tandem (two place) paramotor instruction is legal using an exemption such as 9575 from USPPA.org. It is NOT legal for recreational use; that’s what Sport Pilot is for. This, of course, a HUGE safety improvement for training since there is no excuse not to ensure students can handle the craft’s oddities before […]

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Have you ever noticed that unhappiness from a sad event fades? We then tend to go back to our average, or baseline level of life satisfaction. This emotional falloff is fortunate. It’s why the saying “time is the best healer” is pretty sage advice. Emotional Falloff Probably the best example of this is when a […]

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My History

My history is intertwined with flight, but there was a time before flight; a time when I didn’t really think about flying as something available to me. I drew ships. I had some fascination with being in moving things. I remember putting a ping-pong table top of a wagon and pulling it around with our […]

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Baloney Detection Kit

Reliable knowledge is important. I saw how fragile it is, and how often nonsense gets pedalled after getting into paramotoring (see FootFlyer.com) and seeing just out how much misinformation was out there. Only a couple years in revealed that much of what was taught regarding safety was wrong. I’d get bits and pieces of good […]

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The Great Tim

I’m lucky to have a human that I truly enjoy spending time with, and I’m hoping for many more years. He is the Great Tim. Many aspects of Timness are difficult to explain, but one of the most impressive is thoughtfulness. He does all these little things that I don’t even think of let alone […]

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Only one Science

There is only one Science. It’s the collection of tools that help us extract reliable knowledge. We know a tool works because the knowledge it uncovers can withstand challenge or serve as a reliable building block for other knowledge.

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Creating USPPA

My paramotoring started in March of 1999. There was no formal (read consensus) training program so I opted for the next best thing: paraglider training using the US Hang Gliding Association (USHGA)’s program. Through my long exposure to aviation I’ve had numerous flying friends die which enforced more respect for the dangers of flight and […]

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Why Care?

So why does this whole bit about knowledge matter? Good question. Primarily, it’s because knowledge has consequences. If you think that Albinos have special powers and are inately evil then you may be OK with killing them and mixing their bones into a special sauce. That’s happened. Search “Persecution of people with albinism” and marvel […]

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What is SOUND Evidence?

So you fancy yourself a critical thinker. You get the importance of basing knowledge on evidence, but what constitutes GOOD evidence? Nearly everyone says they have evidence for all manner of claims. But evidence comes in degrees of quality, of certainty. Belief should be granted in proportion to the evidence. If you think that Lord […]

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Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is the process of analyzing information using logic, reason, and measurable evidence to gain the most reliable knowledge process. We should strive to thinkers. Not feigning intellect to impress people, but rather seeking the most reliable knowledge so we make the best decisions. It includes understanding and seeking sound evidence on which to base […]

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Seeing in Black and White

How many times do we hear that something is “Black and White?” It may be true occasionally, but most often that something is shades of gray. The physical universe is full of shades. Planets orbit in a habitable zone, physical states like solids and liquids can be difficult to define, and all kinds of weirdness […]

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